All our filters are certified to meet NSF/ANSI Standerd by IAPMO.


At Swift Green Filters, we have 3 primary product lines for your refrigeration needs. Our Aquarius models, our classic Swift Green Filters, and our brand-new Swift Green Rx line.



Aquarius models provide best-in-class filtration of lead, as well as the reduction of CTO (Chlorine Taste & Odour), at an affordable price.

As with all Swift Green products, Aquarius filters are produced using our environmentally friendly manufacturing process, constructed from 100% recyclable parts, and are proudly manufactured in North America.

If you live in an area with a well-sanitized water source and are searching for an affordable, high-quality filter option, Aquarius filters are the perfect option.


Swift Green Filters

Both our namesake and our second product line, Swift Green Filters offer a wider variety of contaminant reduction compared to our Aquarius models. In addition to lead and chlorine taste and odor, our Swift Green Filters product line reduces contaminants such as asbestos, atrazine, mercury, and many more.

For those living in areas with poor drinking water sources, and are looking for a filter which provides top-quality filtration of a wide range of contaminants, Swift Green Filters are the ideal option.


Swift Green Rx

Our newest product line-up, Swift Green Rx, removes pharmaceutical and over-the-counter drug contamination, in addition to the breadth of water contaminant reduction offered by Swift Green Filters. Swift Green Rx is the optimal choice for Americans living in areas with poor drinking water and provides the most thorough level of contaminant filtration in the industry.


See our product catalog below:

The Filters Club by Suri Industries ×